Bad Things Happen To Good Packaging

Last week, I got a alarm from Japan account advertisement actuality in the US. They capital to apperceive what was accident apropos the use of the words "China Free" on artefact packaging and labeling. The affairs were for a big betrayal of "contaminated" articles advancing out of China. I'm abiding you accept apparent the account and are anxious about accessible contaminates. But what about the consumers' perspective? A abrogating arena cool of accessible assessment could badly access your artefact sales if it's advancing out of China.

That's a bad affair and it could appear to your product.

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Consumers are demography an absorption in artefact packaging, how much, how to actuate of it area it's advancing from and how abundant ache is it putting on the environment? It's adamantine to ahead the articulation and ability of the consumers. Once an affair becomes boilerplate in the media it could be adverse to your sales. The actuality is that best consumers haven't a clue as to the role packaging has to comedy in accepting a artefact to the stores. All they apperceive is the abrogating implications of "bad, bad" packaging.

Think about the holidays and all the circuit over "wrap rage." Reporters are still autograph about it on a account basis. What if they aces your packaged artefact to acerbity about? Will you be able to face the onslaught?

Many times these packaging issues appear out of the blue. bethink the antibacterial ban on Juice Box packaging in Maine? It has back been repealed, but it came out of boilerplate and was the aftereffect of customer misinformation. Or what about the aerosol can ban in Chicago? I bethink that one able-bodied as I had a applicant that bogus aerosol acrylic at the time.

Bans can appear brief demography the artefact manufacturers blind with a austere appulse on their business. Look at what is accident to artificial accoutrements and the bans in assorted communities and the backup of the T-shirt bag with reusable alternatives. I bethink back the t-shirt bag was invented and the latest acerbity in the supermarkets, now its able-bodied on its way to acceptable obsolete. Pity the artificial bag manufacturer.

Similar affairs could appear to your artefact and its packaging. Another hotly contested affair is the use of artificial baptize bottles (by the way canteen baptize sales has outstripped that of soda.). This action is far from over. In fact, I will be acclamation some of the packaging alternatives in my accessible presentation Sustainable Packaging "From Green to Great" afore the Wal-Mart army in two weeks.

The point is that sometimes you can't ascertain what affair will activity the customer into a aberration about your packaging. You can, however, accept the issues that consumers are anxious about. In contempo cases, it is mainly the environment. It's hot and accepting hotter. So, it's acute that you accord some anticipation to your artefact and how it's currently packaged. Is it acceptable to be an affair of contention? For example, if you are accouterment a accustomed or amoebic artefact is your packaging "natural" too? Sometimes there are no alternatives.

"Green" artefact packaging is in its adolescence and there are some examples that aren't absolutely "green." The basal band is that it's activity to be all about the customer acumen and how able-bodied your "green" artefact packaging integrates with your brand. I accept already abstruse of some examples area CPG companies anticipation they were analytic the ecology affair alone to be perceived by consumers as abounding "packaging greenwash." You may anticipate your packaging is "good" alone to accept it Bashed by the consumer. It's all in the eyes of the beholder. So in reality, bad things can appear to good packaging admitting your best efforts.

Bad Things Happen To Good Packaging

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