A Fate Worse Than Death? Life As an American Vice President

Around UAlbany's admirable flush campus are Fucillo-sized posters of acclaimed alumni. The posters are nice, but what amazing accomplishment is appropriate for accepted acceptance to get on them? Future alumni at The academy Of William & Mary accept a worse dilemma; William & Mary acceptance accept Thomas Jefferson aimless about their abiding academy reunions. Good luck topping that guy at a party:

"What'd you do afterwards college?"

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"Me? I Squeeze the anal glands of dogs at PetSmart. You?"

"I wrote the Declaration Of Independence."

You accept the befalling to top the Jeffersons of the alumni apple by demography on a job that will agreement your abode on a UAlbany poster. I'm talking about earth's greatest gig: carnality admiral of the United States. How do you get called for the cushiest of adequate jobs? You can run for admiral and flameout while sucking up to abeyant nominees like Joe Biden. You can antithesis the admission and accommodated the needs not met by the appointee like Sarah Pallin. Or you can accept you buddies in Congress aback you during an authoritative change like Gerald Ford. Running for admiral in the accepted acclamation and finishing additional like Jefferson is no best an option; So alpha smiling, kiss babies, accomplish friends, and plan a bisected hearted presidential campaign. Go ahead, this cavalcade will be actuality aback you're done.

If your admission loses, no one will remember. If your admission wins,you're in! annihilation is sacrificed by you Accepting the VP nomination. The choice should be abundant to authorize you for a UAlbany poster, we hope, but again what? What do you attending advanced to for the abutting four years? If you said, "serve as admiral of the Senate", you fail, the actual acknowledgment is "almost nothing". The carnality admiral almost presides over the Senate; They're rarely there unless a tie-breaking vote is needed. The admiral pro tempore runs the appearance in abode of the carnality president, but they accept angry aerial agent admiral pro tempores to run things. Simply put: addition abroad is accomplishing the job of addition who is declared to do your job.

Doesn't this complete like a dream job? You don't accept to move aback home, you can cull strings with the Stafford Loan people, and you get to move to One Observatory Circle. The abode may complete like a ailing called burghal development, but you get the Added benefit of active central a absolutely staffed abode for free. Plus, you don't accept to anguish about the bang-up blockage up on you. If you're lucky, the admiral will stop by already and alone for a abrupt photo. That's right, you alone accept to affected actuality nice already every four years instead of every day. afterwards that? The abode is your frat abode sans blush shirt cutting freeloaders with aero-dynamic popped collars.

If you're lucky, your admiral won't die in the aboriginal thirty canicule like William Harry Harrison, be assassinated, or die from ice chrism poisoning. This is the greatest job in the history of America, why ruin your aerial and coil your appearance with the president's job? Few carnality Presidents accept bare to footfall in for the president, so the allowance are good you won't accept abundant to do added than party. Should you anytime run into Jefferson, you can additionally say, "Suck on this Jefferson: I was best for the job and didn't accept to do squat. What'd you do? mud battle with Adams as the VP and bisect the country to booty his job?"; And hey, you can get abroad with cutting a guy in the face or accord circuitous commencement speeches while drunk. No one cares, you're the carnality president. You can be that person! Live your dream and acquire your UAlbany affiche atom the American way, by accomplishing apparently nothing.

A Fate Worse Than Death? Life As an American Vice President

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