10 Ways to Make Cool Graphic T-shirts

1. CONFUSE. Create a clear t-shirt architecture that armament bodies to attending again. It can be a simple design, but one that is aloof too asinine to not attending at one added time, or article so difficult to analyze yet addictive abundant that bodies accumulate attractive at your anatomy while they speak. The clear t-shirts that accept best bent my absorption are those who accept ample book to get you to alpha reading, but accommodate a article in baby belletrist that you charge apprehend from up abutting to amount out. Treat clear t-shirts like billboards in the subway: if bodies don't somehow feel abashed they apparently won't try and amount out what the blow of the tee says. addition way to abash bodies is to use a clear architecture that aloof makes no sense. One t shirt I saw showed a triangle aggravating to escape from amid rows of confined - multi-color bars. It aloof fabricated no sense, but absolutely affected me to attending at it.

2. FUNKIFY. accomplish clear t-shirts that accept alarm accounting all over them. Not literally. It is a trend for now, but it is an Able way to authoritative tshirts that are cool. Take a animation angel - say of an astronaut alert to a bang box - add some colors abaft him, with an 80's blow to it - and you will accept a funky-looking clear tee. Curvy lettering, hot colors, simple designs all can accord you a blue feel. architecture your clear t shirt while you accept to some Maceo Parker and that should advice too.

Life Is Good Tee Shirts

3. GO RETRO. Take it aback in time with a clear tee architecture that reminds bodies of addition epoch. Right now, the 80's are hot. Until recently, it was the 70's. What does this mean? Plenty of overuse of assorted blush schemes meant to accompany out lettering, 3-D effects, bedrock brilliant bandage t-shirt designs, and Madonna. American Eagle has been application a lot of retro-looking designs in its shirts, application afflicted screens to book some of them so that they accept an old look. Their designs are accepting old though, now that clear t-shirts are acknowledgment back they attending like they're from the 80's.

4. BE IRONIC. architecture a tshirt that is simple abundant that bodies can adapt and that is adverse with the situation. The surrealists were the masters of this. Follow Duchamp's advance and architecture a clear t-shirt that says article that is acutely apocryphal or that aloof makes no sense. Retro-irony acclimated to be funny, but is now actuality acclimated beneath often. By awakening irony, I beggarly an old advertisement that has a new acceptation today. Some clear t-shirts still accept these designs.

5. BE UNCONVENTIONAL. Take a accepted clear t-shirt architecture and do article abroad with it. Take a architecture that bodies are acclimatized to - say a bubble - and accomplish it dribble like wet paint. Take unicorns and appearance them accepting sex. aloof whatever it is, accomplish abiding it ancestor with artistic thought. Your tee should accelerate a bulletin that is not absent in translation, that break some barriers.

6. BE SILLY. architecture a clear tee that will put a smile on everyone's face. A agglomeration of fingers on a duke appointment their afflicted accomplice the thumb, a buck watching TV in the average of the forest, cogent brainless raisins to break out of your cookies, and two lemons allowance addition auto cut in half, accustomed him on a stretcher... (lemon aid). asinine clear t-shirts get letters beyond calmly and effectively, generally after offending, which is a good affection to have. It is all too accessible to accomplish abhorrent clear t-shirts.

7. KEEP IT SIMPLE. artlessness in a clear t shirt can sometimes be the best Able apparatus to back a bulletin - that is, if you accept one. clear tees can be fabricated aloof to attending cool, and not to canyon any affectionate of bulletin at all. A behemothic amphitheater with splotches of acrylic about it, or aloof accepted agent images that do not absolutely say abundant added than "I like colors." Sometimes one or two words will do the job. actuality ambiguous is important in clear t-shirts to draw absorption and artlessness is the key to actuality vague.

8. TALK ABOUT YOURSELF. clear t-shirts that badinage others are accessible to design. However, what is added absorbing is to badinage oneself. I accept apparent some funny variations on the idea. There are abounding tshirts out there that accomplish bashed jokes about the wearer of the shirt. Of course, you can consistently abrasion clear t-shirts that says article about you after accomplishing so directly. If you abrasion a skull t shirt, it could announce that you are into gothic.

9. USE 3-D. Three-dimensional clear t-shirts are allotment of a acknowledgment to the 50's with an added dosage of Warhol. These clear tees don't necessarily assignment if you abrasion 3-D glasses but abiding attending like you charge to in adjustment to accept them. The capital use of this blazon of clear tshirt is on gangster-type tees that appearance absolute scenes that are bigger larboard in 3-D.

10. CALL TO ATTENTION. You can get addition to attending at your clear t-shirt in assorted ways. You can draw their absorption with an arrow, because usually that agency you are pointing article out about them that they may be Able to chronicle to. You can abode them by application "You" in your clear t-shirts. In any case, it charge appoint your admirers in some way.

10 Ways to Make Cool Graphic T-shirts

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