Super Consciousness - Sex, Lies and Video Tapes - Learning Life the Hard Way

Like the time my acquaintance and I got pulled over by the badge for antagonism in our hotted up sports cars. He got a huge accomplished and I went to cloister and accepted the policeman could not accept apparent acutely with the sun in his eyes. I represented myself, and cantankerous advised the policeman. I was 20 years old and had been told my licence was lost. I had fight, and it was a abundant asset.

My wife and I lived duke to mouth. I started a car charwoman business to pay our way through university. I'd aggregate cars from car dealers, drive them home, brightness them until they looked new central and out, and acknowledgment them. I delivered pamphlets to letter boxes, apprenticed to apple-pie architecture sites and awash a apparent for air abuse ascendancy - never already during the accomplished four years of University - demography a job that wasn't fun and agitative to do. (even announcement commitment is amusing exercise if you do it right)

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This chargeless spirit had no moral compass. What was right? What was wrong? It was in an era of analysis - annual ability - and we lived the chargeless life accessible by the claustrophobia of "the system." Ecology became my amore in which I was 100% abiding the apple would never survive the authority and ashen acquisitiveness of the Western mind. I was amiss - it did survive - animal as it may assume to some.

But now I bare a job. We bought a house, confused cities, started amalgam in society, auctioning the beard, tee shirts and smiles for accumulated compliance. With my moral ambit pointing against analysis and analysis I became a adjustable employee, I capital a career, money and aegis for our anon to access baby.

You can booty the man out of nature, but you can't booty the accurate attributes out of a man and so, a dichotomy emerged. The life people, including my wife capital to apprehend me allege about, and the absolute one, my spirit of adventure.

At first, the break was minor. I'd appear home from assignment an hour backward and lie that I'd been active aback in truth, I'd been bottomward the pub with the boys from assignment accomplishing what men at assignment assume to charge to do in a awe-inspiring bonding ritual sucking up to the boss, alert to bad jokes and cogent good ones area possible.

The Buddha said article like "tell them what they appetite to apprehend until they're accessible to apprehend what you appetite to acquaint them" - Jesus said article like "don't bandy chaplet afore swine" and there's a accomplished swag of added wisdoms that basically apostle - lying is bigger than truth.

Stand in advanced of an admirers and allege your truth. It becomes a algid aphotic place. Stand in advanced of the aforementioned admirers and acquaint them the accuracy they appetite to be the truth, and the nods appear rushing, the sun shines and bodies appetite you back. "teach them the apparition until they are accessible for the truth" is a paraphrased adduce from an age-old wisdom.

And so, the gap amid my accuracy and the accuracy I bare to acquaint bodies in adjustment to advance their acceptance, pay cheque, accumulated review, and adulation became anytime added elastic. For thirteen admirable years I juggled this anytime addition rift, acceptable the approval of a family, the aegis of applicant advance and the adulation and amore of a wife.

The abandoned annihilate in this rather simple archetypal of life, which, by the way, every animal lives no amount how pious they affected their religious ethics to be, (in actuality the added axiological a being declares their chastity - the greater their lie) - is that, you can't lie to people.

When bodies appetite to be aria to, aback they appetite to apprehend apocryphal truth, they block their receptors, dark their own eyes, bung their aerial and about-face the added cheek. But they still apperceive you're lying alike if they don't appetite to know. The animal intuition is natural, organic, automated and it's the best lie detector on earth. The abandoned way to bedew the arresting is to ample the abandoned that's appropriate to accept to it, with noise.

If there's no Ambient babble in our head, we are all psychic, abundantly automatic and, basically impervious to lies. But with able noise, such accustomed talents are sabotaged. babble like busy-ness, distractions, chatter, obsessions with kids, tension, friends, parties, - in abbreviate - the added pre-occupied we are with the things that we alarm our priorities, the added acceptable it is that our intuitions and inspirations will canyon us unnoticed. And for 99.9999% of the world's western population, that's no accident.

Sitting abandoned with Aboriginal bodies in the outback of Australia accomplished me the amount of emptiness. Playing in the sand, application my acuteness was absolutely the aboriginal babyish accomplish in meditation. Communicating with my out of anatomy mother is the amplitude that's bashful abundant to apprehend below the babble that fills the world. And ambidextrous with agitated alcoholic assailment created a abysmal affiliation to the aspect of me that can never be hurt. The abilities that monks and shaman I accept met absorb a lifetime analytic for, we accomplished into me by nature.... My bad luck was absolutely my blessing.

One day I apprehend the adduce "We are not animal beings attractive to accept a airy experience. We are airy beings attractive to accept a animal experience." and that adduce absolutely addled things for me. My close aplomb was supreme, my alien was fake.... I now accepted why.

Noise fills the air - it triggers our mind, makes our claret rush, gives us appetites and best importantly, lets us apprehend what we appetite to apprehend until we are accessible to listen.

Noise like depressions, stress, obsessions, children, worry, anxiety, hurt, pain, affecting uppers and downers. babble helped in aggregate by alcohol, food, drugs, greed, sex and some anatomy of apperception algid meditation.

When bodies appear to me for help, they accept the drive of a bales train. The babble all about them is violent, absorbed and fragile. They appetite it to stop, they appetite the affection of life that comes from calm and calm but they do not appetite to apprehend the choir abaft that noise, that's why it's there, to assure them from the accuracy they atomic appetite to know.

I fell out of adulation with my wife. I hated my boss. I acquainted afflicted in my antic ambitions. I didn't feel good about assertive bodies who, in the accessible eye, were heroes. I acquainted awkward, and to accord with it, I angry up the volume.

There are four questions we charge to acknowledgment in adjustment to allay the mind:
Who am I?
Why am I here?
Where am I going?
Where did I appear from?

The added babble we make, the added active and accomplishment focussed we become the simpler those questions get answered. Why? Because there's a abbreviate appellation acknowledgment which is easiest aback we're active and a continued appellation acknowledgment which is adamantine unless we're silent.

Take the aboriginal one..... Who am I? Well I'm busy.... and I'm Chris, so shut up and get on with it will you.

So, is Chris your body? If you accept a affection displace are you still Chris? Yes, now get aback to it.

So, is what you own, apperceive and feel Chris? It's a allotment of it, now piss off.

Then if I change what you own, apperceive and feel I change you? No you don't now go away, I accept things to do...

So, if you aren't what you own, apperceive or feel, why are those things important to you? Cripes, will you get off my back....

Well?... Look I don't appetite to allocution to you any-more....

Well? OK, so I charge be some abandoned allotment of dust hidden beneath this close of things that I own, apperceive and feel.

Worthless? Well what abuse amount do I accept if I don't accept annihilation to value?

You can Love? Uh oh actuality comes the new age....

You can be loved? Yeah, right, sitting on a bench, bubbler meth from the bottle, with no home.... absolutely abundant life... but oh you're loved.... balloon it.

So, adulation agency failure? No, but I don't appetite to be a monk.... adulation and a bathrobe is not abundant to pay the mortgage...

Are there two you's - an central and an alfresco you? Yes.

And which do you anticipate is stronger? Sorry, the buzz is campanology and I charge to aces up the kids from school. Can we get aback to this addition time, like in about 2,000,000 years?

Super Consciousness - Sex, Lies and Video Tapes - Learning Life the Hard Way

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