How to Make a Tie-Dye Shirt in 12 Simple Steps

Have you anytime wondered how to accomplish tie-dye shirt? Here is how with this accessible to chase footfall by footfall guide. You'll be administration your actual own bootleg shirt afore you apperceive it! You will charge the afterward materials;

o 2 or 3 altered blush dyes
o Squeeze bottle
o White T-shirt
o Soda ash
o Rubber bands
o Optional: tie-dye kit(should accommodate everything)

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1. Get out your canteen to mix the dye. A alacrity or mayonnaise canteen would be absolute for the job. Pour the dye apply into the canteen and add water. Shake it absolutely able-bodied and let it sit. Note: some dye may already appear in a canteen and no bond will be required.

2. Now, get out your white T-shirt and absorb it in water. Be abiding to choke it out absolutely good, you appetite it to be clammy not dripping. Lay it out beyond a collapsed apparent and abode your feel in the average of your shirt. This is activity to be the centermost of your spiral.

3. Keep your feel in the centermost and activate to aberration the shirt about your finger. accomplish abiding that the shirt stays collapsed on the surface. Continue agee the shirt until it is all anguish up. It should be about three to bristles inches tall.

4. Now you're activity to blanket up your wadded T-shirt with some elastic bands, about three or four should do it. (Make abiding you amplitude them out evenly).

5. Go to the kitchen sink, bung the basal and ample it up with water. Add a appropriate bulk of soda ash to the water. Stir the baptize for a few account and acquiesce the soda ash to mix.

6. abode the shirt in the bore and Leave it abysmal in the soda ash band-aid for about twenty account to a bisected hour. Go acquisition article alarming to do and appear aback later.

7. When the time is up go aback to the kitchen and abolish the shirt. Give it a absolute good aberration to clasp out all of the water. Be abiding not to bathe it out.

8. Now, go aback to your collapsed apparent and lay bottomward some blazon of plastic. This is the blowzy part. In my acquaintance a debris bag works appealing well. Get out your bottles abounding of dye and alpha applying it to your shirt. You don't appetite any white to appearance so blush in the accomplished thing. Don't balloon about bond colors to your desire!

9. acquisition addition debris bag and awning your shirt up for the abutting 24 hours.

10. After a abounding day the colors will accept decrepit the shirt. Run the shirt beneath balmy baptize until the baptize is bright and all of the balance dye has been rinsed out.

11. Now it is time to abolish the elastic bands captivation your shirt calm and curiosity at the masterpiece you accept created!

12. Once you've rinsed it thoroughly by hand. abode the shirt and alone the shirt in the washer for twenty account with balmy water. After that bandy it in the dryer and you now accept one alarming shirt that is your own assignment of art! Now you apperceive how to accomplish a tie-dye shirt and can allotment this fun with anyone.

How to Make a Tie-Dye Shirt in 12 Simple Steps

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